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Palm Bluff Trail Race and Ultra Marathon

Sun May 5, 2024 Osteen, FL 32764 US Directions

Course Sweeper Medium Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

May 5, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteers for this positions will follow the last ultra marathon runner on their final lap to ensure the course is clear of all participants and to pick up the course markings. Must be capable of walking at least 9 miles and carrying course markings to drop off at each aid station.


May 5, 2024


Volunteers for this position will direct runners into the conservation area and assist with directing them to park in an organized fashion.

Aid Station #3 High Priority

May 5, 2024


Volunteers at this position will be responsible for staffing the first aid station on the course. Volunteers will prepare prepare food, water, and electrolyte drinks for the runners and pass them out to the runners as they pass. This aid station is also responsible for ensuring that the runners follow the course and make the proper turns as required for each distance. Volunteers will assist runners as needed, fill water bottles or hydration packs.

Volunteers at this aid station will also track the 50 mile and 50k runners to ensure that they follow the course properly, make the correct turns and do the correct number of loops on the red and yellow trails. Volunteers will check off the runners on a list indicating what lap they are on and how many more they need to do.

Aid Station #2 High Priority

May 5, 2024


Volunteers at this position will be responsible for staffing the first aid station on the course. Volunteers will prepare prepare food, water, and electrolyte drinks for the runners and pass them out to the runners as they pass. This aid station is also responsible for ensuring that the runners follow the course and make the proper turns as required for each distance. Volunteers will assist runners as needed, fill water bottles or hydration packs.

Aid Station #1

May 5, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


Volunteers at this position will be responsible for staffing the first aid station on the course. Volunteers will prepare prepare food, water, and electrolyte drinks for the runners and pass them out to the runners as they pass. This aid station is also responsible for ensuring that the runners follow the course and make the proper turns as required for each distance. Volunteers will assist runners as needed, fill water bottles or hydration packs. Drop bags will also be located at this aid station. Volunteers will layout bags when they are delivered, help runners find their bags and prepare bags to go back to the finish line when runners have completed the course.

Start / Finish Line Assistance

May 5, 2024


Volunteers for this position will help with a variety of tasks at the start / finish line area. This could include packet pickup, registration, finish line food, handing out glasses and drinks at the finish line, or aid station runner.

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